Compare Shops, Countries, and Platforms

Compare your financials across the board
to supercharge your entire business earnings

You're Running Many Stores and POS,
Each One Has Its Own Expenses.
You Need to Monitor Their Contribution to Your Profit Pie.

Comparing POS performance should be simple, intuitive, and up-to-date at any given moment. But it's not always the case. Let's change this.

Know your Exact Profit per
Shop, Country, and Platform.

By factoring in each POS’ different expenses you get a precise, real-time financial status.

See Where You’re Most Profitable

Understand your top and least profitable POS. No matter the platform, country, and brand.

See Your Profit from Products Across Stores, Locations, and Platforms.

Understand the true value of your products, types, vendors and collections for each store you manage. Compare locations, platforms and brands.

Compare Costs Breakdown

See how much you pay for different services, and how they bite into your profits, for each POS.

Can't Decide How to
Scale Profitability?

Effortlessly pinpoint your profit hotspots and areas to cut costs across your entire business operations.

If you ask yourself...


Which country has the lowest average order value?


Is it pricier to acquire customers on Amazon or Shopify?


Which one of my shops has the biggest number of unprofitable orders?


Which country has the highest shipping costs cross shops and platforms?

Explore More Features

Understanding everything that impacts your bottom line should be simple, intuitive, and up-to-date at any given moment so you can continuously optimize your store’s profitability.

Orders Profit Analysis

Products Profit Analysis

Compare Shops, Countries & Platforms

Live P&L

Retention & Lifetime Profit Analysis

Real-time Performance

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