What is the role of a B2B model in e-commerce?
Asked 3 years ago
So, I'm trying to wrap my head around where and how a business-to-business e-commerce business model fits into the e-commerce world. I"m only familiar with the B2C business model. How does a B2B business model work in e-commerce?
Payton Lynn
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
B2B model identifies everyone in the process of the business chain including the seller, the distributor, re-sellers, suppliers, all the way down the chain, allowing you to connect with everyone in that chain and form relationships with those people and companies.
A Buyer to Buyer model is essentially a redistribution model that buys products and ships them to other buyers for resale on the open market.
Daren Colon
Wednesday, February 09, 2022
B2B eCommerce business explains the transactions between two or more businesses. Businesses sell products to businesses rather than customers. A huge chunk of these transactions is of raw materials. Some B2B examples are business consulting, online bookkeeping, and affiliate marketing. You can also make a B2B eCommerce business plan by analyzing the market, studying your competitors, identifying your goals, budget, and market trends.
Zachary Winters
Wednesday, March 09, 2022
A B2B business model does fit into the e-commerce business world. Since most e-commerce stores use the B2C model, it's hard to imagine having a B2B e-commerce company. B2B model in e-commerce examples includes Alibaba, Amazon business, and General Electric. There are also Saas businesses like LinkedIn, Mailchimp, and Be Profit that sell services to other e-commerce stores to run effectively.
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