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How to improve customer retention rate?

Asked a year ago

Latest reports showed that our CRR got much lower than before so we have to fix that in an upcoming quarter. Could anyone give me some tips of how improve that? We always gather costumer feedback, but can someone suggest any other strategies that we should add to reduce churn and improve loyalty?

Abeeha Qasmi

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Repeat customers bring a huge chunk of your sales to your business. To ensure an exceptional customer experience, hence, a higher customer retention rate, you can use the following strategies:

  1. Add value to your offer — Customers will only return if they get the value they are paying for.
  2. Ensure the customer onboarding experience is smooth and rewarding.
  3. Use customer feedback to improve your product, service, and system. Interacting with users through reviews will give them a sense of credibility to users.
  4. Use coupons and additional rewards for loyal customers and promoters.

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