Cash flow projection was off by 50%! What to do?
Asked 2 years ago
Hi everyone, bit of a crisis at the moment. I overestimated my cash flow projection by about 50% at the start of the last financial period. Not really sure what the best thing to do is next. Has anyone been in a similar position? If so, how did you get out of it. My gut feeling is to have a sale and hopefully get some much need cash flowing into the business. Taking out a loan is also an option but I'd prefer not to have to go down that route if I don't have to.
Jolina Regin
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
An overestimated cash flow means that the sales volume was less than expected or more payments were made during that period.
You can solve it by:
1. Implementing payment reminders on your invoices
2. Renegotiate payment dates to your vendors
3. Market your products or services to increase customers
4. Monitor your ongoing expenses and categorize them
5. Integrate inventory management software
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