Should you charge your customers for sample products?
Asked 3 years ago
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using free sampling vs. charging for samples?
Brock Archer
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Free sample products are well known for their ability to entice paying customers into purchasing more or better product, or further using your sales service because they think you care enough about them to supply a free sample. A free sample is essentially a gamble based on the customer in question, some will ignore it and carry on as normal, while others will thank you by buying more.
Ali Reyes
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Product sampling is a marketing strategy where you send freebies or your products' miniature versions to your potential customers. The customers can then test the product without even buying it. The purpose is to build customers' trust in your newly launched product so they can purchase it later without any doubt. That being dawn and dusted, charging your customers for product sampling doesn't make sense.
If the e-commerce sampling cost is your concern, mind that free samples increase sales by 2000%. It helps you grow your brand, get customer reviews, create brand awareness, and attract more customers. You can join a product sampling community for product sampling marketing, where members try your products and review them.
Curt Cleveland
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Product sampling is an effective way of increasing e-commerce sales if done correctly. The sample product should be one of your best selling and of high quality so it can bring back the customers. You could also join a product sampling community where you exchange products and give reviews. The advantages of free samples are that it leads to brand awareness, attracts customers, and increase reviews. While the disadvantages are that its time consuming and expensive.
Charging for samples can set you apart from other brands but it could also lead to reduced sales. It's not worth it to charge for samples.
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