How do I know current and expected growth for my e-commerce store?
Asked 2 years ago
I recently started a eCommerce store, but I am not well acquainted to the finance side of it. Is there a way to calculate my current and expected growth by using certain formulas and indexes? And are there maybe any analytics tools that could help me?
Jolina Regin
Tuesday, January 03, 2023
To know the current and expected growth rate for your e-commerce store follow this formula:
Current growth rate= (current period revenue - previous period revenue) / previous period revenue * 100
For example:
Company A wants to find its growth rate from Q3 of 2021 and Q3 of 2022. The current Q3 revenue is 40 million while the revenue for Q3 of 2021 IS 20 million. What is its growth rate
(40-20) / 20 *100 = 1%
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