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How do I check my metrics report on Instagram

Asked 3 years ago

I want to see what my ad performance looks like on Instagram. Where do I find the analytics?

Geovanni Buckley

Thursday, November 11, 2021

You can check Instagram ad metrics from your Facebook Ads Manager. Just choose the campaign with the ad you'd like to see the performance of. Click View Charts and then you should see a section at the top with all the data you'd need. You can also see some metrics in Instagram analytics.

Marty Wagner

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Follow these steps to analyze your Instagram ad performance on Meta Ads Manager:

  1. Go to Ads manager.
  2. Choose your ad campaign for which you want to examine your metrics.
  3. Select the View Charts option.
  4. Here, you will see different sections on the top like performance, delivery data, placement, demographics, etc. If you selected Instagram as your placement, hit Placement to see your campaign listed.
  5. You can view your Instagram ad reporting here, including the amount spent, total reach, user engagement, cost per result, etc.

If you want to study your performance with specific posts, videos, stories, reels, etc., follow this process:

  1. Head over to your profile and open the Instagram insight menu by clicking the Insights action button.
  2. Hit the metrics tab under the Overview section to see post insights on Instagram.

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