Do snap chat ads have a good conversion rate?
Asked 3 years ago
Hi, I've noticed that Snapchat's CPC is relatively high compared to some of the other social media platforms. Is it worth marketing on Snapchat?
Ali Reyes
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Statistically, the conversion rate for Snapchat ads is poor (0.6%), topping YouTube only. This figure appears concerning if you consider the traffic generated by the app. Just think about it, and you will know why this is the case. Most Snapchatters are young teens or adults who don't like to spend money but love a good time. Keeping this tight demographic in mind and an investment of $3000/month, advertising on Snapchat is not ideal for many brands.
Chace Franco
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Snapchat's conversion rate is about 0.6% which is not high compared to other social media channels. The issue is that most of its users are teenagers, millenials or Gen Z's. They enjoy the content but most of them don't have intentions of buying.
If your target is not the Gen Z then Facebook ads are better off.
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