Does the CPC determine how much I should spend on a Bing ad campaign?
Asked 2 years ago
I am looking to dedicate a budget for my WooCommerce store advertising campaign. But not sure how to determine the cost. Hopefully, it will be more cost-effective than Google ads. Which advertising metric is the best to determine the final amount I should budget for my future advertising? I've been advised that finding an accurate bid on certain keywords helps determine the value of advertising campaigns. Can I use Cost-per-click to accurately measure how much I should pay for a paid advertising campaign on Bing Ads? Thanks!
Abeeha Qasmi
Tuesday, November 01, 2022
Bing ads, like various advertisement platforms, allow you to bid on specific keywords. When these keywords are searched, your ad gets displayed to potential customers. You can set the daily budget for your PR by determining the target clicks and the amount you are willing to pay for each click CPC. Subsequently, when you max out your budget for the day, your promotions stop displaying until the next day.
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