Are Bing Ads less competitive for a beginner Shopify seller?
Asked 2 years ago
I am looking for a less crowded advertising platform for my Shopify store. I recently explored Google and Facebook ads, but I don't think I can compete with more established sellers. Someone suggested Bing ads to me. However, because I have a fledgling Shopify store, I am not sure if I can get good ad positions and cheaper costs per click. Will I get a better Ad position on Bing than Google or Facebook Ads?
Abeeha Qasmi
Tuesday, November 01, 2022
Bing ads, also known as Microsoft ads, are a great marketing platform for new entrepreneurs. Studies suggest that advertising on Bing is 36% less competitive than other advertising giants. Moreover, the average CPC rate for Bing ads is 7.99$, whereas it is 20.08$ for Google Adwords. With a CPC rate of 0.94$, Facebook ads have a lower cost per click, but its high user base makes advertising challenging.
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