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Why do I have high clicks but low conversions?

Asked a year ago

Hey, my E-commerce electronics store has recently been generating a high number of clicks but these are not resulting in high micro and macro conversion numbers. Can anyone explain how this is possible and how I can improve my conversion rate? Thanks in advance

Abeeha Qasmi

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

An imbalance ratio between clicks and conversions can be due to several reasons. There are various reasons behind this, including the bitter fact that people are not interested in your product or service. You need to ensure you're selling the products and/or services that are popular, in demand, and priced and packaged at a competitive rate. Only setting up your offer right should help you increase your conversion rate.

Additionally, below are some more possible reasons for low conversion rates — and you may want to evaluate your eCommerce business on these parameters:

  • Your website is not optimized for mobile devices.
  • The call to action is not displayed at the right spots.
  • You don't or rarely perform A/B testing.
  • You don't have relevant content to attract and engage your audience.

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