What are macro conversions in a measurement plan?
Asked 3 years ago
What makes them different from micro conversions?
Geovanni Buckley
Sunday, November 14, 2021
A macro conversion is the chief objective of your online business. It is the primary conversion, such as a completed sale or lead generation, that directly contributes to the total profit margin of your business.
On the contrary, micro conversions are smaller user engagement and interaction with your website. These steps range from setting up an account, clicking on links, signing up for the newsletter, accessing free trials and downloads, commenting to just scrolling through your site or store.
Art Barnett
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Macro and micro conversions in a measurement plan are the main divisions of categorizing KPIs for a Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) campaign. Macro conversions are the primary goals of a website for example: signing up for a free trial, revenue the business should earn, or requesting a quote.
While micro conversions are secondary goals that help you reach the macro goal. for example; blog subscriptions, downloading white papers, and email clicks.
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