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Should I opt to use CBO if I have a broken pixel conversion?

Asked 2 years ago

When is the best time to turn on Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO)? I am aware that it is imperative to know when exactly to use whichever campaign budget. I know I want more conversions from the campaign, and that is my primary KPI right now. However, I’m unsure if it would be suitable to use CBO if my pixel conversion is broken and I want to have greater control over the ad campaign. Any advice?

Jolina Regin

Friday, October 07, 2022

ABO is better choice if you want to have more control of your campign budget settings. You can set what amount each ad set gets unlike in CBO. It's great to use CBO if you have at least two ad sets and if you don't have that much time to spend on ad settings. CBO sets ad budgets automatically, so if you're handling many campaigns then CBO is best.

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