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What is the average click-through rate on TikTok?

Asked 3 years ago

Hi, I've just started running my marketing strategy on TikTok, and I'm wondering what CTR I can expect to receive?


BeProfit Team

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

In general, a CTR (click-through rate) of over 1% indicates that you're doing well. Anything less than that should have you rethinking your marketing approach.

Along with other essential TikTok ads metrics, the CTR is an important determinant of the success of your ad campaigns. TikTok offers a wide variety of sponsored ad formats, all generating a significant amount of user interaction, with a CTR of between 1.5% and 16%.

The three most used ad formats are:

  • Top view: This ad type features a video and audio stream. The typical CTR ranges from 12% to 16%.
  • Takeover: This ad takes over the TikTok app as soon as the user launches it. The typical CTR falls between 7% and 10%.
  • In-feed video: A regular in-feed ad unit designed to boost your business. The typical CTR for in-feed video advertising is between 1.5% and 3%.

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Albert Bowen

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

A good click-through rate is an important determinant of the success of your ad campaign. As a rule of thumb, a CTR of 1% suggests that your ad is headed in the right direction. The CTR is again higher for paid ad services. TopView, Brand Takeover, and In-Feed Ads should have a CTR of 12-16%, 7-10%, and 1.5-3%, respectively. CTR below this is a red flag and should alarm you to reevaluate your content and target audience.

Dangelo Hickman

Thursday, February 24, 2022

TikTok offers special ad formats meant to boast a high click-through rate. However, an average click-through rate depends on the type of ad you are running. For example, the click-through rate of takeover ads is about 7% -10% on average, whereas Top View ads can take CTR as high as 16%. In contrast, in-feed ads can boost your CTR to 5-7%.

By and large, a CTR above 1% means you are headed in the right direction. However, anything less than that means you need to reconsider your advertising strategies.

Cody Sanders

Sunday, April 24, 2022

The average click-through rate for TikTok ads is 1%. Any rate lower than that means that you should first pause your add and restrategize. However, an average TikTok conversion rate varies with the type of ad you're running. For example, Topview ads average ctr is 16%, takeover ads is between 7-10% while in-feed ads is 5-7%.

Tomas Mcmillan

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

CTR is a key metric to determine the success of your TikTok ad campaigns. TikTok offers a multitude of paid ad formats, and all of them result in high engagement—the ads average 3% to 12% CTR to the site.

  • Top-view: It is an ad format with an in-feed video with sound. The average CTR lies between 12% to 16%.
  • Take Over: This ad starts when the user opens the TikTok app. The average CTR ranges from 7% to 10%.
  • In-feed Video: It is a standard in-feed ad unit to boost your business. On average, in-feed video ads bring 1.5% to 3% CTR to your site.

Keep these CTR benchmarks in your mind for all intents and purposes, and strive for an above-average CTR. If your stats show otherwise, you might want to take a step back and take a second look at the contributing factors.

Jolina Regin

Saturday, October 29, 2022

The average click-through rate for Tiktok is generally 1% for non-paid Tiktok videos. for the paid ad services the average CTR is higher depending on the type of ad format. The top-view ad's average CTR is 16%, the take-over ad is 7% and the in-feed ad is between 1.5% to 3%.

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